29/01/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 18/09/75

One who is beyond the spinning of Maya and who is a spinner of the discus of self­realisation(swadarshanchakradhari) will remain under the canopy (chatradhari) in the future.

Today, BapDada is happy to see the present and the future of all the Brahmin children. Each one who is a spinner ofthe discus of self­realisation becomes one who stays under the canopy. Only those who are the spinners of the discusbecome those who stay under the canopy in the future. If someone is not a spinner, then he cannot come under thecanopy. Those children who constantly spin the discus in this short, invaluable time, that is, those who spin the thediscus all the time are the souls who remain under the canopy at all times. Those who are spinners will have authorityover Maya. Souls who have authority over Maya can claim a right to the Father's unlimited inheritance, that is, thosewho are the spinners of the discus of self­ realisation remain under the canopy. Can you constantly see the discus andthe canopy?

What symbol would be visible for a soul who spins the discus? Have all of you seen your own symbol? Those whospin the discus will be visible as those who have a canopy of light. The visible symbol of the discus that is shown isthe discus (halo) of light. Those who have such a discus (halo) will be constantly free from the various types ofspinning of Maya. In the same way, they will be constantly free from the many types of spinning of wastefulthoughts of the awareness of their own body, from the spinning of the lokik and alokik relations, free from thespinning of the nature and sanskars of their many births and free from the spinning of the attractions of matter and theelements. Apart from the spinning of the discus of self­ realisation, they would not be involved in any type ofspinning. Through the powers they have received from the Father, they would also easily free other souls from themany different types of spinning. What would be the symbol for the many types of spinning of Maya? Just as a soulwho spins the discus would have a crown of light and have a right to the Father's inheritance, in the same way, whatwould be the symbol of those who become involved in the many types of spinning of Maya? Just as those souls havea crown of light on their head, so too, these souls would have, not a crown, but a burden of many types of obstacles.They would constantly experience a burden on their head, that is, they would constantly experience this in theirintellect. Such souls would constantly be in debt and ill. Their face and forehead would constantly have a questionmark. They would constantly be asking, "Why? what? how?" in every aspect. Their intellect would not be able tobecome stable for even one second, that is, they would not be able to apply a full stop. The sign of a full­stop is apoint, that is, they would not have the stage of a point even in their thoughts. In their thoughts and in their deeds, theywould not be able to let the past be the past and apply a full­stop and have the awareness of "nothing new", nor wouldthey have the awareness that whatever happens is beneficial. They would not be able to apply such a full­stop. Whenyou see a question­mark, the symbol for that is crooked. To write a full­stop is very easy. It is more difficult to writea question­mark than to write a full­stop. So, to ask many types of questions, either of the self, of others or of theFather is a sign that the soul is not a spinner of the discus of self­realisation and so that soul cannot remain under thecanopy.

Such souls would constantly be asking questions of the self: Will I be able to become an embodiment of success?When coming into contact with everyone else, will I attain success and become a soul close to them? Will I be ableto move along with the nature and sanskars of everyone else? Will I be able to make everyone content? They willhave many such questions of themselves and also of others: Why is this one behaving with me in this way? Why amI not getting special co­operation? Why am I not mentioned or given regard? They will have many questions ofothers in this way.

They will also have similar questions of the Father in this way: Since the Father is the Almighty Authority, why is Henot changing my intellect? Why is the One who is able to take others beyond with just a glance not even looking atme? Since He is the Father, and if He accepts me as I am, what I am, then it is His responsibility to take me across!And, since He is the Bestower, why is He not giving me what I want? He is Trikaldarshi; He knows about my past,present and future; so why is He not enabling me to claim a high status through His own powers? They make suchsweet complaints to the Father! On the one hand, they have the burden of many births, and on the other hand,because of being a child of the Father, and not fulfilling the duty of giving the return of receiving all rights from theFather, that is, because of not fulfilling their duty, they incur a debt. The burden of debt makes all the weaknesswithin the soul take on the form of an illness. How can those who have such a double­burden become the spinners ofthe discus of self­ realisation?

One are those who spin the discus and the other are those who carry a burden. How would souls who carry a burdenbecome double­light? This is why the sound that emerges from such souls again and again is that they don'texperience anything. They continue to listen to everything and they continue to move along, but they cannot see thedestination of any attainment. What does the Father do when He hears and sees that the children are feelingsomething to be very difficult? He smiles; what else would He do? But even so, because of being the mercifulFather, He continually gives you courage and enthusiasm by telling you that you are the children who have attainedvictory many times. When you maintain courage, the Father will help. Therefore, continue to move along; do notstop. Become victorious as you did a kalpa ago. When you even remember the Father for just one second with anhonest heart and in all relationships then the experience of the meeting and the attainment of one second willrepeatedly take you away from all other things and draw you towards the Father. No matter how weak you may be, atleast you can remember the Father for one second! In return for that one seconds remembrance that such weak soulshave, the Father helps them a thousand­fold. What else could Baba do for them that would be easier than this? Or,should the Father even have yoga on your behalf? You are delicate children, are you not? Even delicate childrenplay mischief with the Father. Therefore, do not become delicate, but become those who understand all secrets andwho act with yukti. Do you understand? Achcha.

To such souls who spin the discus and so have the canopy and who make all weak souls greatly powerful; to soulswho sacrifice all weaknesses in one second; to such powerful souls who offer the great sacrifice, that is, to the karmayogi souls who use all their powers as weapons; to such easy yogi souls, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

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